On the evening of December 9, 1965, a large, brilliant fireball
was seen by thousands in at least six U.S. states and Ontario,
Canada. It streaked over the Detroit, Michigan – Windsor,
Canada area. Reports of hot metal debris over Michigan and
northern Ohio, grass fires and sonic booms in the Pittsburgh
metropolitan area were attributed to the fireball.
According to an initial story in the Greensburg Tribune-Review:
"The area where the object landed was immediately sealed off on
the order of U.S. Army and State Police officials, reportedly in
anticipation of a 'close inspection' of whatever may have fallen ...
State Police officials there ordered the area roped off to await the
expected arrival of both U.S. Army engineers and possibly,
civilian scientists."
However, eyewitnesses in the small village of Kecksburg, about
30 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, claimed something crashed in the woods. A boy said he saw the
object land; his mother saw a wisp of blue smoke arising from the woods and alerted authorities.
Another reported feeling a vibration and "a thump" about the time the object reportedly landed.
Others from Kecksburg, including local volunteer fire department members, reported finding an
object in the shape of an acorn and about as large as a Volkswagen Beetle. Writing resembling
Egyptian hieroglyphics was also said to be in a band around the base of the object. Witnesses
further reported that intense military presence, most notably the United States Army, secured the
area, ordered civilians out, and then removed the object on a flatbed truck. At the time, however,
the military claimed they searched the woods and found "absolutely nothing". A subsequent edition
in the Tribune-Review bore the headline "Searchers Fail To Find Object".
“Authorities discounted proposed explanations such as a plane crash, errant missile test, or
reentering satellite debris and generally assumed it to be a meteor. Astronomer Paul Annear said
the fireball was likely a meteor entering the Earth's atmosphere. Geophysicist George Wetherilo
discounted speculations that it was debris from a satellite and agreed the reports were probably due
to a meteor. Astronomers William P. Bidelman and Fred Hess said it undoubtedly was a meteor
bolide. A spokesman for the Defense Department in Washington said first reports indicated the
reported fireball was a natural phenomenon.”
The official explanation of the widely seen fireball was that it was a mid-sized meteor. However
speculation as to the identity of the Kecksburg object (if there was one — reports vary) also range
from it being an alien craft to debris from Kosmos 96, a Soviet Space Probe Intended for Venus but
never left the atmosphere.
Similarities have been drawn between the Kecksburg incident and the Roswell UFO incident, leading
to the former being referred to as "Pennsylvania's Roswell."
Several articles were written about the fireball in science journals. The February 1966 issue of Sky
& Telescope reported that the fireball was seen over the Detroit-Windsor area at about 4:44 p.m.
EST. The Federal Aviation Administration had received 23 reports from aircraft pilots, the first
starting at 4:44 p.m. A seismograph 25 miles southwest of Detroit had recorded the shock waves
created by the fireball as it passed through the atmosphere. The Sky and Telescope article
concluded that "the path of the fireball extended roughly from northwest to southeast" and ended
"in or near the western part of Lake Erie".
A 1967 article by two astronomers in the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
(JRASC) used the seismographic record to pinpoint the time of passage over the Detroit area to
4:43 p.m. In addition, they used photographs of the trail taken north of Detroit at two different
locations to triangulate the trajectory of the object. They concluded that the fireball was descending
at a steep angle, moving from the southwest to the northeast, and likely impacted on the
northwestern shore of Lake Erie near Windsor, Ontario.
The JRASC trajectory was at nearly right angles to that proposed earlier by Sky and Telescope, or a
trajectory that would have taken the fireball in the direction of western Pennsylvania and
Kecksburg. Thus, if the calculation was correct, this would rule out the fireball being involved in any
way with what may or may not have happened in Kecksburg. The JRASC article is often cited by
skeptics to debunk the notion of a UFO crash at Kecksburg.
However, the JRASC article has been criticized as lacking any error analysis. Since the triangulation
base used by the astronomers in their calculations was very narrow, even very small errors in
determination of directions could result in a very different triangulated trajectory. Measurement
errors of slightly more than one-half degree would make possible a straight-line trajectory towards
the Kecksburg area and a much shallower angle of descent than reported in the JRASC article. It
was also pointed out that the photos used actually show the fireball trail becoming progressively
thinner, suggesting motion away from the cameras, or in the direction of Pennsylvania. Had the
trajectory been sideways to the cameras, as contended in the JRASC article, the trail would likely
have remained roughly constant in thickness.
There had been some speculation (e.g. NASA's James Oberg) that the object in the Kecksburg
Incident may have been debris from Kosmos 96, a Soviet satellite. Kosmos 96 had a bell- or acorn-
like shape similar to the object reported by eyewitnesses (though much smaller than witnesses
However, in a 1991 report, US Space Command concluded that Kosmos 96 crashed in Canada at
3.18am on December 9, 1965, about 13 hours before the fireball thought to be the Kecksburg
object undergoing re-entry was recorded at 4:45pm.
In addition, in a 2003 interview Chief Scientist for Orbital Debris at the NASA Johnson Space Center
Nicholas L. Johnson stated:
“I can tell you categorically, that there is no way that any debris from Kosmos 96 could have landed
in Pennsylvania anywhere around 4:45 p.m.[...] That’s an absolute. Orbital mechanics is very
A man from New York had a Close Encounter with the
paranormal that he will never forget, and his new 4-door
sedan can prove it. Fortunately, he contacted investigators at
the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) who were able to get to the
scene quickly to discover and document the shocking evidence.
On his short drive home from work in the Port Jervis area in
Orange County, just after midnight on November 25th 2009,
Smith was singing along with Christmas carols on the radio as
he negotiated the winding wooded roads. Smith turned the
corner and suddenly noticed some strange lights in the sky.
He described to the investigators a cigar shaped object with
five lights across it. The lights were blue, white, red, white
and then blue again. The object was moving slowly and
turning clockwise. He had slowed down and stopped to get a better look.
The man described the object as being rather large, estimating it to be 200 feet in length. When
asked the relative size to an aspirin at arm’s length, he described that it would have been the size
of a baseball. The lights were very intense, but he didn’t notice them reflecting on the ground. The
color of the craft appeared to be gun metal gray. As he watched, it continued to slowly move
towards him at the speed of a hot air balloon. He told investigators that it made a sound similar to
a “purring cat”.
Realizing that it was not an airplane or anything else he could think of, he got a little startled.
However, as the object passed directly over him, his car died. He tried to open the electric windows
to look at the object, but they would not work either. Getting very worried now, he attempted to
use his cell phone, which was also not working.
Not knowing whether to run or stay put, the man opened his car door, still buckled in. He looked up
at the object, saw the lights on the object turn off, and his car was suddenly running again. He was
not sure if the object flew away, or if the lights on the object just turned off. Terrified at this point,
he didn’t stay to investigate. Instead he took off wanting to get home as quickly as possible.
Running stop signs and almost crashing into a fence, he thought to himself, “no way I’m going to
take that road again.”
Not knowing what to do when he got home, his wife suggested that he call the police. He didn’t feel
that the police would be interested in his experience, so he searched the Internet for a UFO
reporting center and came across MUFON. The MUFON dispatcher, who took the call noted that he
sounded terrified. He explained the event as being “the most unnerving thing to happen to me.”
The most interesting evidence supporting the witness’s claims came from electro-static and electro-
magnetic testing. Using a tri-field meter near the vehicle, a 2009 4-door sedan, the meter maxed
out, indicating a very strong magnetic field. In order to test a control vehicle, the STAR team
investigators where able to find a similar vehicle, the same make and model, at a car dealership.
Since it was a late model car, the dealer had another one that was verified to have been made on
the same day as Smith’s vehicle. The test vehicle did not register any significant electro-static or
electro-magnetic fields.
To further test the vehicle, the investigator’s grounded the vehicle. However, there was no
measured reduction in the intensity of the fields. In a follow-up investigation 20 days later, the
fields were still present, but had dissipated by approximately 60%. Investigators also used a
compass to measure the magnetic fields with interesting results. The fields did affect the compass
and was stronger towards the front of the vehicle. During the second visit, the compass was able to
show that as the fields dissipated, they remained strongest at the front of the vehicle.
Smith noted that he had a toothache for some days after the event, although he is unsure if it is
related. He also believes his car drives faster after the event. However, investigators note that this
may be a result of the engine getting broken in. Otherwise, there have been no other noted effects.
Investigators asked the man if he experienced any missing time who said he had not. In some close
encounters, such as this one, missing time is reported. This is when a sighting such as this occurs,
and the witness arrives at their destination noticing that it took them much longer than it should
have, sometimes even hours longer. They often are at a loss as to where this time went.
On the night of October 4, 1967, en route to Toronto
while flying over Sherbrooke and Saint-Jean, Quebec
at 3658 m, from the Halifax International airport, Air
Canada Capt. Pierre Charbonneau on Flight 305
pointed out to co-pilot Bob Ralphington that there was
something strange out the left side of the aircraft at
7:15PM. In his report the captain reported an object
tracking along on a parallel course a few miles away.
He describes it as a brilliantly lit, rectangular object
with a string of smaller lights trailing the object. At
7:19, the pilots noticed a sizable silent explosion near the large object; two minutes later, a second
explosion occurred which faded to a blue cloud around the object.
Darrel Dorey, his sister Annette, and his mother were sitting on their front porch in Mahone Bay,
when they noticed a large object maneuvering above the southwestern horizon. The next day
Darrell wrote a letter to RCAF Greenwood Base Commander asking what was flying over the water
that evening, as he had never seen anything like it.
While standing at the wheelhouse of his vessel, Capt. Leo Howard "No Mercy" Mersey was looking at
four blips on his Decca radar that were stationary. When he looked up about 17 miles from the
vessel's windows he could see the four bright objects situated in a roughly rectangular formation.
The entire crew of nearly twenty fishermen stood on deck and watched the object in the
northeastern sky. Mersey radioed the rescue coordination center and the harbor master in Halifax
asking for an explanation, and filed a report with the Lunenburg RCMP outlining his sighting when
they arrived in port.
The Chronicle-Herald and local radio stations reported a glowing object that had been seen by many
people who had called their newsroom. They reported witnessing strange glowing objects flying
around Halifax at around 10:00 PM.
At about 11:20 p.m. Atlantic Daylight Time, it was reported that something had crashed into the
waters of Shag Harbor. At least eleven people saw a low-flying lighted object head towards the
harbor. Multiple witnesses reported hearing a whistling sound "like a bomb," then a "whoosh," and
finally a loud bang. The object was never officially identified, and was therefore referred to as an
unidentified flying object (UFO) in Government of Canada documents. The Canadian military
became involved in a subsequent rescue/recovery effort. The initial report was made by local
resident Laurie Wickens and four of his friends. Driving through Shag Harbor, on Highway 3, they
spotted a large object descending into the waters. Attaining a better vantage point, Wickens and his
friends saw an object floating 820 to 980 ft offshore in the waters of the harbor. Wickens contacted
the RCMP detachment in Barrington Passage and reported he had seen a large airplane or small
airliner crash into the waters.
Assuming an aircraft had crashed, within about 15 minutes, 2 RCMP officers arrived at the scene.
Concerned for survivors, the RCMP detachment contacted the Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) in
Halifax to advise them of the situation, and to ask if any aircraft were missing. Before any attempt
at rescue could be made, the object started to sink and disappeared from view.
A rescue mission was quickly organized. Within half an hour of the crash, local fishing boats went
out to the crash site in the waters of the Gulf of Maine off Shag Harbor to look for survivors. No
survivors, bodies or debris were found, either by the fishermen or by a Canadian Coast Guard
search and rescue cutter, which arrived about an hour later from nearby Clark's Harbor.
By the next morning, RCC Halifax had determined that no aircraft were missing. While still tasked
with the search, the captain of the Canadian Coast Guard cutter received a radio message from RCC
Halifax that all commercial, private and military aircraft were accounted for along the eastern
seaboard, in both Atlantic provinces and New England. The same morning, RCC Halifax also sent a
priority telex to the "Air Desk" at air force headquarters in Ottawa, which handled all civilian and
military UFO sightings, informing them of the crash and that all conventional explanations such as
aircraft, flares, etc. had been dismissed. Therefore, this was labeled a "UFO Report." The head of
the Air Desk then sent another priority telex to the navy headquarters concerning the "UFO Report"
and recommended an underwater search be mounted. The navy, in turn, sent another priority telex
tasking Fleet Diving Unit Atlantic with carrying out the search.
Two days after the incident had been observed, a detachment of navy divers from Fleet Diving Unit
Atlantic was assembled and for the next three days they combed the sea floor of the Gulf of Maine
off Shag Harbor looking for an object. The final report said no trace of one was found.
In the early hours of 30th September 1980, a little
after 1 am at the White-Acres property near
Rosedale, Victoria, Australia, the 54-year-old
caretaker of the site was woken suddenly by a
sound like “a screeching whistle” coming from
outside the house. The cattle were also seemingly
significantly spooked at whatever was happening,
their bellowing constant in the background.
Without dressing and wearing only his night
clothes, he went to the back door to examine the
cause of the commotion. He stepped outside and
onto a wooden rail that ran immediately outside the
house so as to get a clear view of the farm’s fields
and outbuildings. It was then that the strange “domed disc-shaped craft”, flashing orange and blue
lights, went across his field of vision from left to right. It was only ten feet from the ground and
appeared to be no more than 500 feet away from him. He would estimate it to be around 25 feet in
length. He continued to watch as the object moved over the land, passing between the outbuildings
and trees as it did so. As he watched he would note that although the object was brightly lit
underneath and “gave out light at its own height” it didn’t light up the ground below it. It then
passed over the paddocks before coming to a stop hovering over a concrete 10,000-gallon water
tank. It remained there for around a minute before descending towards the ground and coming to a
stop. The caretaker quickly ran inside the house and quickly dressed. Then, he got on his Suzuki
100 motorbike, fired up the engine, and headed out across the fields.
Despite the surreal nature of the events unfolding around him, in his mind, he would cling to the
idea that this strange aerial display was the work of cattle rustlers. There had, as it happened, been
several cases of cattle rustling in the area over the previous months. When he stepped off his bike
momentarily to open one of the field gates, though, he would see one of the farm’s cattle close up.
Not only was fear palpable in its eyes and demeanor, it was “frothing at the mouth” and quite
obviously looked to take cover or hide.
He jumped back on the bike and progressed through the field. Several moments later, he came to
the paddock where the strange object had seemingly come down to the ground. He continued on,
eventually coming to no more than 50 yards of the object when he brought his bike to a stop. He
noticed a strange sensation run through his body. Whether it was his body’s own response to the
bizarre situation or something more directly connected to the strange craft, his entire body was
“like a jelly on a plate”.
The whistling noise still screeched into the night air, now much louder due to his closer proximity.
He would remain sat on his motionless bike, his hands covering his ears such was the
uncomfortable volume of it. He would take in as much detail as he could. The top half of the craft
consisted of a white dome, while the bottom half was a distinct orange color. In this bottom section,
he could make out “circular windows or lights”. Then, the noise suddenly morphed into “an awful
scream” and an ominous black tube emerged from the bottom section of the craft.
As the tube continued outwards, a sudden “bang” rang out followed by an immediate rush of hot air
so powerful the caretaker almost lost his balance. As this was happening, the object was now rising
from its position and heading slowly to the east. It moved upwards and he could see the connection
of the black tube to the underside of the craft at the center. When it was at a height of around ten
feet once again, and around thirty feet away from its position on the ground, it would suddenly go
silent. The tube was no longer there. And it looked as though various objects were falling to the
ground. He realized these objects were stones, cape weed and various other items that would have
been in the area where the object landed.
Starting the bike’s engine, he rode over to the area the object had sat. Even with only the moon as
a source of light, he could see a clear “ring of black” on the ground. He looked upwards and
watched as the objected continued to move to the east, eventually disappearing into the night sky.
Confused, exhilarated, and awestruck at the same time, he turned his bike around and returned to
the main house. When he arrived, he noticed the time was 1:50 am. As he made himself a cup of
coffee, preparing to contemplate the evening’s events, he noticed the time on his wristwatch. It
showed 1:10. It had stopped at the time he was within the vicinity of the UFO. He took it off and
reset it to the correct time and placed it back on his wrist. Ten minutes later, it had stopped again.
This would continue for several days until the watch finally returned to normal working order.
He would return to bed, fully dressed, but had little sleep. By 5 am he went back outside and out to
the paddock where the encounter had taken place. The black ring was still very visible. He also
could see how the grass was pressed flat and tight to the ground in an anticlockwise direction. Any
flowers that were previously in this spot had all gone. Within the ring, he also noticed six “spoke
marks”. These matched the several spokes he recalled seeing on the underside of the craft when it
rose into the air. He then walked along the direction the UFO had taken. He could see much of the
“debris” that had fallen from the craft as it left. It seemed clear to the caretaker that the long tube
appeared to be some kind of suction device. And furthermore, it then sent crashing back to the
ground what it had taken but didn’t want.
With that in mind, it was perhaps no surprise, then, when the caretaker discovered later that
morning that the entire contents of the water tank – all 10,000 gallons – was gone. It would
normally take three full days to fully drain the contents. This object managed to do so in less than
an hour. Also interesting, was the discovery of algae at the sides of the tank and on the “roof”.
Almost as if the separation of impurities occurred before leaving the tank. The owner of the
property would arrive on site at around 9 am. He would report the incident to the “Gippsland Times”
newspaper immediately. They would ultimately run a front-page story in their 1st October 1980
edition. Incidentally, while examining the site that morning, a truck driver walked over from his
vehicle to speak with the caretaker. He claimed he had pulled over at the side of the road at just
after 1 am to rest. He also claimed that a strange object had followed him for some time, eventually
stopping over his field.
At around 12 noon on October 21, 1982, cell
biologist, “Mr. Henri” was in his garden in the small
town of Laxou near Nancy in northeast France. The
sky above was clear of clouds and a perfect blue in
the glow of the early afternoon sun. However, the
serenity of the moment was shattered when a
“flying machine” came out of the sky, its structure
shining brightly in the sun (although not hampering
his vision) and seemingly arriving in his location
out of nowhere.
Although the object had taken him by surprise, the
speed was relatively calm as it continued to
descend. Thinking it would pass over him, Mr. Henri
eventually backed away slightly as the object
appeared to head straight towards him. Then, it
stopped, hovering around 4 feet above the ground.
From this angle, he could see clearly the oval, disc-like shape of the metallic craft. He would later
describe the craft as having a “metallic appearance” similar to polished Beryllium. The upper half
appeared to have a strange blue-green color to it. As he stood staring at the hovering oval object,
he noted how it remained completely silent. Furthermore, he couldn’t feel any excess heat or any
apparent effects of radiation. The craft would remain in place for around 20 minutes in total. During
the time that the object was stationary over the garden, Mr. Henri himself was rather active below.
As the report notes, he would “make a great number of trips” to the object and back again. All the
while taking in as much detail from the craft as it resided there in midair. For example, after
standing in the middle of his garden as the object approached, Henri would then back away against
the wall of his kitchen (fearing a crash landing was imminent). After remaining there for several
minutes, Henri then ventures back towards the object. Furthermore, and also of interest, is the
insistence of the witness that the craft – at least the top “blue-green” section was “not
homogeneous” and gave the impression of a “translucent volume”. He would elaborate that it was
not quite vapor and had a “plexiglass” look to it. And what’s more, the colors and activity inside
appeared to be something “very special” and unknown.
During this time, Mr. Henri would locate his camera and attempt to take a picture. However, the
device, already showing signs of wear and tear, would jam. As he walked around various points of
the object’s underside, he would watch intently, studying the craft as closely as he could.
Interestingly, he would describe it in almost identically a way as several other up-close witnesses as
“two lids on (top of) one another”. Essentially, a flying saucer or a disc. Then, out of nowhere, the
craft would rise into the air and continue upwards in a direct straight line until it was out of sight.
One thing Mr. Henri would notice when the object took off was that grass directly underneath it –
and only this particular patch of grass – would stand on end for several seconds before returning to
its normal position. Furthermore, no other plant or flower appeared to move at all, which would
suggest the movement of the grass was not some coincidentally timed blast of wind, but something
directly connected to the object above. What’s more, when investigators would attempt to recreate
this in laboratory conditions, they would discover that “very intense electric fields” were successful
in achieving this.
Mr. Henri remained home until 5 pm when his wife arrived back from work. After telling her of the
sighting, the pair drove the short distance to the police building to report the incident. While the
police would treat their report seriously, it was perhaps the presence of plants and ample vegetation
in the garden that would cause them to take samples away for investigation. Indeed, these samples
would most prominently be of Amaranths flowers. It was noted upon arrival how private the garden
of the Henri’s was. It was, as Mr. Henri had insisted, perfectly feasible that he was the lone witness
to the strange craft simply due to how the garden was seemingly walled off on all sides, either by
trees, fencing, or the walls of other buildings. Even to access the garden, according to the police
report, one must “take a very narrow path of 80 cm wide (and) about 30 meters long” from the
main street.
The garden itself was only very small – around 30 square feet – although it contained an abundance
of plants and flowers. These would include evergreen shrubs, wallflowers, lavender, and of course,
most important in this particular case, amaranths. Samples would be taken, and any possible
effects studied. It would appear the analysis of the flowers of Amarante plants in the garden were
perhaps most telling. These flowers appeared to be completely dehydrated – almost purposely.
Furthermore, some of the fruit in the immediate vicinity of where the craft hovered had completely
What’s more, the roots of the affected plants were still very much as one would expect to find in a
healthy plant or flower. It would appear, then, that the dehydration process – whatever it was that
had caused – took place at the midair level only.
All of these things would again suggest exposure to some type of electromagnetic wave of energy.
And as the witness freely walked under and around the object as it hovered, stating that he felt no
heat or cold from it while doing so, it would appear to be the case that any damage suffered by the
plants, fruit, and flowers, happened as the craft shot directly upwards. Propelled, it would appear,
by some type of blast of electromagnetic energy.